Strange times are these in which we live, when old and young are taught in falsehoods school. And the one man that dares to tell the truth is called at once, a lunatic and fool. - Plato |
Fire Ant BitesGet the best product to treat fire ant bites. It's non-toxic and safe to use on children. Guaranteed to work.
How Much Do You Know About FireAnts?Stinging Truth About Fire Ants1. How many people are stung by fire ants each year?
2. What percentage of those stung are allergic to fire ants?
3. What should you immediately do if/when you are stung by a fire ant?
4. Fire ant mounds are always visible and easily avoided.
5. Fire ants do not cause damage to structures or electrical equipment.
6. Fire ants are responsible for more personal injury and property damage in the US over the past twenty years than any other insect.
7. More children are stung each year by fireants than all other insects combined.
8. One fire ant mound can host up to:
9. A recent survey of residents of the southern US showed that how many children had been stung by fireants in the last year alone?
10. People who fall victim to fire ant stings often suffer from:
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How to make an ant farm (but not with fire ants!)
KURIT for Fire Ant Bites
Fire Ant Bites
Fire Ant Bite Remedies
Kill Fire Ants (Fire Ant Control) Fire Ant Mounds Quiz How to Build an Ant Farm
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